Category: Toys
Add Color to your next holiday! Introducing PepPlay’s Velvet Coloring Cards – Travel Set
If you’re a parent to a 3+ year old, you definitely have a firsthand experience of the inseparable bond between them and their colouring tools. And if your child has not yet been introduced to the world of colouring, welcome aboard! If you’re a parent to a 3+ year old, you definitely have a firsthand... continue reading
Know all about Educational Toys for children
My toddler like most of yours finds study boring but loves playing with his toys and to get him to sit in one place to learn alphabets, let alone eat his food is a task for sure. Â I am a mother of two; if I've learned anything from my first one, it's to stop working... continue reading
Introducing Classical Dance to kids at an early age
We all have those days where we just don’t know how to keep the little ones entertained and such days call for some music and lots of dancing! Dance is proven to be one of the best ways of self-expression. What started from just grooving to the music, has now evolved and taken new heights... continue reading
"Because a sibling is really the bling in your life" How was it growing up with a sibling? Each one of us has a unique and fun story of growing up with a sibling. Oh! The ups and downs in a sibling relationship are the ones that get us loving and respecting our siblings with... continue reading
The Surprising Benefits of Puzzle Solving
Puzzles are a great family activity or solo pastime. Whether your puzzle of choice is a 1,000-piece jigsaw, crossword puzzle in Sunday times, a wood brain teaser, or a 3D puzzle, doesn't really matter because all puzzles share one key element, they power our brain and challenge our thinking. The popularity of puzzles today in... continue reading
Study Shows Kids Obsessed With Dinosaurs Are Smarter
A study carried out at the universities of Indiana and Wisconsin found that children who develop an intense interest do better later in life. Joyce M. Alexander of Indiana University and her team found that this type of interest, especially those that demand a conceptual domain, "enhance perseverance, improve attention and enhance skills of complex... continue reading
What can a child learn from sticker activities?
Until having kids, I’ll be honest I didn’t really see the point of sticker puzzles or activities. I naively thought they were just about pulling stickers off and sticking them in place, and really never understood what children could learn from it or why they enjoy doing it so much. I presumed it was just... continue reading
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