“Mumma! One last story, then I promise to go to bed!” Does your little one do this too?
If yes, then you must make the most of this opportunity! Let me tell you why!
Storytelling is an ancient practice that was used to pass down important customs through generations. Today, we live in a world where we don’t tell stories to the younger generation to simply pass down knowledge of the past, but to prepare these little minds for the big journey that lies ahead of them!
The spark for reading can be developed at a young age itself but before they learn to read, expecting mommies can start reading aloud happy stories for the development of the little one while its in the womb. Later you can read stories for your child, thereafter you can read with your child until they are independent enough to read on their own.
Through stories, kids are able to learn more about life, the world and themselves. In the words of a Master Storyteller, Dr. Sherline Pimenta
“A story a day, prepares kids to deal with any difficulty that may come their way!”
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