We’ve picked few topics we’re pretty sure you’ll ❤ to read about. Check back often and enjoy.
Add Color to your next holiday! Introducing PepPlay’s Velvet Coloring Cards – Travel Set
If you’re a parent to a 3+ year old, you definitely have a firsthand experience of the inseparable bond between them and their colouring tools. And if your child has not yet been introduced to the world of colouring, welcome aboard! If you’re a parent to a 3+ year old, you definitely have a firsthand... continue reading
Sustainable Parenting: 5 ways to raise an eco-conscious child
It’s challenging to make the switch to a sustainable lifestyle. It’s even trickier convincing someone else to do so – especially a fussy toddler who doesn’t comprehend the need to live sustainably. Save yourself the trouble – the solution is easy and begins with you! Children learn what they live. Start small – make changes... continue reading
Know all about Educational Toys for children
My toddler like most of yours finds study boring but loves playing with his toys and to get him to sit in one place to learn alphabets, let alone eat his food is a task for sure. I am a mother of two; if I've learned anything from my first one, it's to stop working... continue reading
5 reasons why Origami is good for your Child.
First things first, let us know what does Origami mean? Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. It translates as "ori" (folding) "gami" (paper). Research has shown that paper-folding, particularly in the elementary school years, is a unique and valuable addition to the curriculum. Origami is a valuable method for developing vital skills. Origami... continue reading
Can you think of a Birthday Party without Return Gifts for Children
“MUMMA! I want my birthday party to be dinosaur themed this year!” said my 5-year old. “But why dinosaurs?” I ask Because Raj had a pirate-themed party and Riya had a bakery theme and Aarav had a football-themed party and and..” “Okay okay I got it, we will do something different this time, dinosaur it... continue reading
The women of yesterday, the power of tomorrow
Women empowerment is one of the oldest fought battles that are still ongoing. It is one that has provided utmost value to the world and its women in the form of the power and freedom that it has imparted to them and that too without harming a single soul. Today, we are slowly transitioning into... continue reading
Introducing Classical Dance to kids at an early age
We all have those days where we just don’t know how to keep the little ones entertained and such days call for some music and lots of dancing! Dance is proven to be one of the best ways of self-expression. What started from just grooving to the music, has now evolved and taken new heights... continue reading
Importance of Music in Early Childhood Development
Music, in any and every form, is one of the greatest blessings of life. Generations after generations, music gets passed on and that is enough to understand the role it plays in our lives. While adults have enough sense to appreciate the beauty of every note, it is the little ones who need an intervention... continue reading
Your child’s experience with Dough – Reinvented
Playing with dough has been a creativity boost since ages with its history going back to our ancestors making their daily objects out of it like their bowls, plates, pots sculptures and so on! Since then, it has evolved to become one of the most creative toys for the little ones and will continue to... continue reading
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