Value-based education for children
Value-based education for children has an important role to play in the present day. As a parent, we need to provide an atmosphere for children to grow with noble ideals, healthy emotions, and physical discipline. Culture and values cannot be taught, they can only be caught. When children watch their parents, they automatically do the same thing. Therefore, it is important not to lecture children on how they should behave, but through your own actions teach them life’s values.
Vedic chanting is said to help to ease stress, and take one to a higher level of consciousness. It also improves one’s memory and power of concentration, so it is important to teach the kids mantras if you want them to be an achiever.
The word mantra comes from the Sanskrit language and can be broken down into two parts: “man,” which means mind, and “tra,” which means transport or vehicle. Mantra can be interpreted as an instrument or vehicle that helps transport or elevate the mind. Mantra means “Sound that liberates the mind”. Many experience mantra as a way to find peace and to deepen their spiritual and mental strength.
Children as young as 3 years have very impressionable minds, they grasp everything they see and in order to shape them, we must expose them to factors that stimulate their minds in the correct way. The early exposure of media, TV, games, and movies, can make it very difficult for children to focus. That’s one reason why Mantra should be introduced to kids at a very early stage.
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